History of relations between Iran and Africa for travel and life

In the first five months of this year, 696 million 731 thousand 412 dollars of Iranian goods were exported to 37 African countries, which has increased by 40% compared to the same period, 30.5% of Iran's exports to the African continent were from South Africa. A meeting that was held with the presence of the South African ambassador in Tehran and the chairman of the board of directors of the Iran-Africa Merchants Club said: in the first five months of this year, 1 million 354 thousand 276 tons of goods worth 741 million 122 thousand 922 dollars between Iran and the countries The continent of Africa was exchanged, of which 1 million 311 thousand 647 tons were Iran's export goods worth 696 million 731 thousand 412 dollars to this continent (40% growth) and 42 thousand 629 tons of goods worth 44 million and 391 thousand 510 dollars have entered our country from 19 African countries.

The policy of developing commercial and economic relations with African countries along with neighboring and peripheral countries is followed seriously in the 13th government, during this period we also witnessed a significant growth in Iran's exports to neighbors and African countries. The first five destinations for the export of Iranian goods to the African continent are South Africa with a purchase of 212 million 739 thousand 751 dollars and a growth of 203%, Mozambique with 105 million 292 thousand 185 dollars and a growth of 1,511%, Sudan with 85 million and 283 thousand 230 dollars and a growth of 374%, Nigeria with 80 million 947 thousand 989 dollars and a growth of 334% and Ghana with the purchase of 76 million 535 thousand 776 dollars, the first five destinations of Iranian goods exports to Africa from the beginning of the year to the end August was in this continent

He said the amount of imports from African countries: Tanzania with sales of 12 million 429 thousand 519 dollars and a growth of 168%, Kenya with 9 million 519 thousand 934 dollars and a growth of 518%, South Africa with 4 million 573 thousand 327 dollars and 320 percent growth, Congo with 4 million 117 thousand 181 dollars and Ghana with 3 million 342 thousand 838 dollars and 131 percent growth were the first five countries among African countries that sold goods needed by our country.

More than 30.5% of Iran's export to the African continent in the first 5 months of this year was to South Africa, this growing export trend started last year and our country's export to South Africa in 1400 was 254 million 267 thousand and It had reached $580, which is a 570% growth compared to 2019, which is unprecedented in the last 15 years despite the sanctions. He explained the amount of Iran's exports to South Africa in the last 15 years: in 2019, about 38 million dollars, in 2018, about 88 million dollars, in 2019, about 37 million dollars, in 2019, about 37.4 million dollars, in 2019, about 43.2 million dollars. million dollars, in 1994 about 23.1 million dollars, in 1993 about 22.8 million dollars and in 1992 about 38.8 million dollars of goods were exported from Iran to South Africa.

In 1991, about 77.5 million dollars, in 1990, about 41.2 million dollars, in 1989, about 55 million dollars, in 1988, about 45.8 million dollars, in 1987, about 19.6 million dollars (the lowest amount in 15 recent year) and in 2006, Iran's export to South Africa was 37.7 million dollars.

The spokesman of the customs regarding imports from South Africa in the last 15 years said: respectively, since 1400, in 15 years, 6.4 million dollars, 8.4 million dollars, 37.7 million dollars, 35.6 million dollars, 34 2 million dollars, 47.5 million dollars, 350.5 million dollars (the highest amount of imports in 1994), 27.5 million dollars, 13.5 million dollars, 34 million dollars, 50.8 million dollars, 74.3 million dollars dollars, 82.8 million dollars, 94.3 million dollars and 7 thousand and 116 dollars (the lowest amount of import in 2086) goods were imported from South Africa to our country

Comparative history of Iran's export potential to South Africa in comparison with other countries of the African continent

During the period of 2001-2005, the most items of common goods (Iran's exports to the world and South Africa's imports from the world) were 2178 items, while only 87 items of goods were exported to South Africa during the mentioned period. Accordingly, only 3.99% of the above-mentioned common goods items have been exported from Iran to this country, and in fact, almost 96.01% of the common goods items exported from Iran to the mentioned country have not been exported.

The value of Iran's exports in the items of common goods exported by Iran and imported by South Africa in the whole period of 2001-2005 was equal to 4.38841 million dollars (equivalent to 28.7768.28 million dollars per year), while the value of the import of South Africa in those items The common goods for the whole mentioned period were 105543.2 million dollars (equivalent to 21108.64 million dollars per year). Likewise, the value of Iran's exports and the value of South Africa's imports in the above-mentioned common goods items, respectively, from 3702.37 and 12900.81 million dollars in 2001 to 10171.68 and 35126.40 million dollars in 2005, respectively, annually at the rate of 28.74 and 28.46 percent have increased.

The maximum export potential of Iran to the South African country in the whole mentioned period was 42837.95 million dollars or an average of 8567.59 million dollars per year. Assuming that a quarter of the mentioned figure is achieved, Iran's normal export potential to South Africa in the entire mentioned period would reach 10709.49 million dollars or an average of 2141.90 million dollars per year. Based on this, Iran's normal export potential. South Africa increased from 1035.49 million dollars in 2001 to 2931.5 million dollars in 2005, that is, on average, with 29.71% annual growth.


This is despite the fact that the value of Iran's existing exports to South Africa in the entire mentioned period was only 76.48 million dollars and its average annual value was 15.30 million dollars. The value of Iran's existing exports to this country reached from 12.47 million dollars in 2001 to 17.96 million dollars in 2005 and has seen an average annual growth of 9.55% during the mentioned period. According to the results of the research, the top ten economies of the African continent, including South Africa, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Nigeria, Kenya, Mauritius, Ghana and Tanzania, compared to other countries of the African continent, in terms of the number of common goods exported by Iran and imported by those countries, are in a superior position. have

Similarly, ten countries from the African continent including Sudan, South Africa, Egypt, Ethiopia, Algeria, Morocco, Nigeria, Kenya, Libya and Tanzania have imported the most goods from Iran during the period of 2001-2005 compared to other African countries.

In addition, the top ten economies of the African continent, including South Africa, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Nigeria, Kenya, Mauritius, Ghana and Tanzania, have a privileged position in terms of maximizing Iran's export potential to African countries. And it also shows the percentage used of the maximum export potential of Iran to the countries of the African continent, in the best conditions, only 0.8% of that capacity has been used. In general, the top ten economies in the African continent that have high trade potential in the world and with Iran include South Africa, Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Sudan, Nigeria, Senegal, Kenya and Tanzania. In the following, Iran's product export potential to South Africa is evaluated.

Summary and considerations

The present article was compiled with the aim of evaluating the capacity of Iran's commodity exports to South Africa using the indicators of commercial potential, comparative advantage and cosine index. In this regard, the article has parts including introduction, study method, study of South Africa's economy and trade, examination of Iran's policies and programs in the development of trade with South Africa and evaluation of its performance, the role of the main players in the field of economy and trade.

South Africa, estimation of Iran and South Africa's trade supply, study of export pattern and analysis of South Africa's relative advantages, comparative study of Iran's export potential to South Africa compared to other countries, Iran's product export potential to South Africa, and summary and supplementary considerations. Is.

Based on the results of the research: 1. South Africa, due to many reasons, including rich natural resources, large industrial factories, extensive business opportunities, superior geographical-strategic position in the south of the African continent, and a well-equipped domestic and international transportation network for many years has been the focus of economic powers in The world has been 2. Based on the information provided in all three categories of economic indicators for South Africa,  Indicators and variables of economic and trade development, including economic freedom index, human development index, total and per capita gross domestic product, ratio of gross capital formation to GDP, share of added value of manufacturing industries from GDP, foreign trade share of world trade, economy openness index, The share of factory exports to the total exports, this country has an excellent position in Africa.

The set of facilities and capabilities above the field can provide economic cooperation and the expansion of business relations between this country and Iran. 3. Considering Iran's economic similarity in terms of GDP with South Africa, it is expected that Iran's economic relations and bilateral trade exchanges with this country will have more potential than other countries of the African continent, and the results of studies show the possibility of trade development. Economies with more similar GDP per capita are more common.

The set of facilities and capabilities above the field can provide economic cooperation and the expansion of business relations between this country and Iran. 3. Considering the economic similarity of Iran in terms of GDP. Based on this, the small difference (equality) of Iran's GDP per capita with South Africa's GDP per capita enables the development of economic relations and more commercial exchanges. 4. Regarding the degree of trade completion of Iran and South Africa, it is concluded that South Africa has the first rank among all the countries of the African continent with a cosine index of 0.68 and 0.76 in import and export from/to Iran.

. 5. Based on the normal potential of commodity exports, South Africa ranks first in imports from Iran in the African continent with the number of 2141.9 million dollars per year during the studied period, but with 0.58 percent of the total, it actually benefits from Iran's normal export potential to this country has not been realized.Among the Iranian goods with high export potential to South Africa, there are goods that have the following characteristics: a) non-oil export goods, b) industrial goods with higher added value, c) goods with lower volume (goods that It should be cost-effective to transport it over long distances) and d) preferably final consumer goods, not raw materials and intermediates, have been the first priority of Iran's exports.


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