An opportunity for Iranian garment exporters to Ghana

An opportunity for Iranian garment exporters to Ghana According to the Business and Financial Times newspaper, Ghana has a population of about 31 million people. Every week, it imports 15 million second-hand clothes, of which about 40% are thrown away. A review of trade data up to 2020 shows that Ghana has become the world's largest dumping ground for second-hand clothing. The value of second-hand clothing sent to Ghana [...]

2023-05-04T16:31:58+03:308 مهر 1396|articles, news|0 Comments

Sending and receiving business delegations

Every country takes a series of commercial measures to improve its international relations; Supporting the sending and receiving of trade delegations is one of the most important tools for raising the trade balance of countries. One of these measures is the sending of business delegations to different countries, which is carried out for the following purposes: Selection of target markets Find a business partner Establishing a representative office The [...]

2023-05-04T15:39:59+03:308 مهر 1396|alfajr holding, articles, Events|0 Comments
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